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Is your player ready for Basketball???

With basketball season just around the corner, it is time to get back in to shooting shape. Basketball is all about the hustle. The players who win are the players who outwork their opponents. Is your player in basketball shape? Can they spring down the court for an offensive breakaway layup and have enough in the tank to still play solid defense? Come join us at PCo for a 3 week player development class that will get your player in shape for the season. This class is focused on improving your players stamina, vertical jump ability, reaction time, overall agility, side to side movement, injury prevention and more! This is a great clinic for players ages 7-12 and shifts gears from Football/Fall Baseball into Basketball Readiness!!! Call 817.441.2033 or click on the link in the Camps/Clinics section to enroll your player now- space is very limited!!!

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